# 第 14 章 元编程
Chapter 14. Metaprogramming
This chapter covers a number of advanced JavaScript features that are not commonly used in day-to-day programming but that may be valuable to programmers writing reusable libraries and of interest to anyone who wants to tinker with the details about how JavaScript objects behave.
Many of the features described here can loosely be described as “metaprogramming”: if regular programming is writing code to manipulate data, then metaprogramming is writing code to manipulate other code. In a dynamic language like JavaScript, the lines between programming and metaprogramming are blurry—even the simple ability to iterate over the properties of an object with a for/in loop might be considered “meta” by programmers accustomed to more static languages.
这里描述的许多特性可以粗略地描述为“元编程”:如果常规编程是编写代码来操作数据,那么元编程就是编写代码来操作其他代码。在像JavaScript这样的动态语言中,编程和元编程之间的界限是模糊的——即使是使用for/ In循环迭代对象属性的简单能力,对于习惯了更多静态语言的程序员来说也可能被认为是“元”的。
The metaprogramming topics covered in this chapter include:
- §14.1 Controlling the enumerability, deleteability, and configurability of object properties
- §14.2 Controlling the extensibility of objects, and creating “sealed” and “frozen” objects
- §14.3 Querying and setting the prototypes of objects
- §14.4 Fine-tuning the behavior of your types with well-known Symbols
- §14.5 Creating DSLs (domain-specific languages) with template tag functions
- §14.6 Probing objects with reflect methods
- §14.7 Controlling object behavior with Proxy
- §14.1控制对象属性的可枚举性、可删除性和可配置性
- §14.2控制对象的可扩展性,并创建“密封”和“冻结”对象
- §14.3查询和设置对象的原型
- §14.4用众所周知的符号微调类型的行为
- §14.5用模板标签函数创建dsl(领域特定语言
- §14.6用反射方法探测对象
- §14.7用代理控制对象行为
# 14.1 Property Attributes
The properties of a JavaScript object have names and values, of course, but each property also has three associated attributes that specify how that property behaves and what you can do with it:
- The writable attribute specifies whether or not the value of a property can change.
- The enumerable attribute specifies whether the property is enumerated by the for/in loop and the Object.keys() method.
- The configurable attribute specifies whether a property can be deleted and also whether the property’s attributes can be changed.
- writable属性指定属性的值是否可以更改。
- enumerable属性指定该属性是否由for/in循环和Object.keys()方法枚举。
- 可配置属性指定是否一个属性可以删除,也是否属性的属性可以改变。
Properties defined in object literals or by ordinary assignment to an object are writable, enumerable, and configurable. But many of the properties defined by the JavaScript standard library are not.
This section explains the API for querying and setting property attributes. This API is particularly important to library authors because:
- It allows them to add methods to prototype objects and make them non-enumerable, like built-in methods.
- It allows them to “lock down” their objects, defining properties that cannot be changed or deleted.
- 它允许向原型对象添加方法并使其不可枚举,就像内置方法一样。
- 它允许他们“锁定”他们的对象,定义不能改变或删除的属性。
Recall from §6.10.6 that, while “data properties” have a value, “accessor properties” have a getter and/or a setter method instead. For the purposes of this section, we are going to consider the getter and setter methods of an accessor property to be property attributes. Following this logic, we’ll even say that the value of a data property is an attribute as well. Thus, we can say that a property has a name and four attributes. The four attributes of a data property are value, writable, enumerable, and configurable. Accessor properties don’t have a value attribute or a writable attribute: their writability is determined by the presence or absence of a setter. So the four attributes of an accessor property are get, set, enumerable, and configurable.
The JavaScript methods for querying and setting the attributes of a property use an object called a property descriptor to represent the set of four attributes. A property descriptor object has properties with the same names as the attributes of the property it describes. Thus, the property descriptor object of a data property has properties named value, writable, enumerable, and configurable. And the descriptor for an accessor property has get and set properties instead of value and writable. The writable, enumerable, and configurable properties are boolean values, and the get and set properties are function values.
To obtain the property descriptor for a named property of a specified object, call Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor():
// Returns {value: 1, writable:true, enumerable:true, configurable:true}
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({x: 1}, "x");
// Here is an object with a read-only accessor property
const random = {
get octet() { return Math.floor(Math.random()*256); },
// Returns { get: /*func*/, set:undefined, enumerable:true, configurable:true}
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(random, "octet");
// Returns undefined for inherited properties and properties that don't exist.
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({}, "x") // => undefined; no such prop
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({}, "toString") // => undefined; inherited
As its name implies, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() works only for own properties. To query the attributes of inherited properties, you must explicitly traverse the prototype chain. (See Object.getPrototypeOf() in §14.3); see also the similar Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() function in §14.6.)
To set the attributes of a property or to create a new property with the specified attributes, call Object.defineProperty(), passing the object to be modified, the name of the property to be created or altered, and the property descriptor object:
let o = {}; // Start with no properties at all
// Add a non-enumerable data property x with value 1.
Object.defineProperty(o, "x", {
value: 1,
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
// Check that the property is there but is non-enumerable
o.x // => 1
Object.keys(o) // => []
// Now modify the property x so that it is read-only
Object.defineProperty(o, "x", { writable: false });
// Try to change the value of the property
o.x = 2; // Fails silently or throws TypeError in strict mode
o.x // => 1
// The property is still configurable, so we can change its value like this:
Object.defineProperty(o, "x", { value: 2 });
o.x // => 2
// Now change x from a data property to an accessor property
Object.defineProperty(o, "x", { get: function() { return 0; } });
o.x // => 0
The property descriptor you pass to Object.defineProperty() does not have to include all four attributes. If you’re creating a new property, then omitted attributes are taken to be false or undefined. If you’re modifying an existing property, then the attributes you omit are simply left unchanged. Note that this method alters an existing own property or creates a new own property, but it will not alter an inherited property. See also the very similar function Reflect.defineProperty() in §14.6.
If you want to create or modify more than one property at a time, use Object.defineProperties(). The first argument is the object that is to be modified. The second argument is an object that maps the names of the properties to be created or modified to the property descriptors for those properties. For example:
let p = Object.defineProperties({}, {
x: { value: 1, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true },
y: { value: 1, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true },
r: {
get() { return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y); },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
p.r // => Math.SQRT2
This code starts with an empty object, then adds two data properties and one read-only accessor property to it. It relies on the fact that Object.defineProperties() returns the modified object (as does Object.defineProperty()).
The Object.create() method was introduced in §6.2. We learned there that the first argument to that method is the prototype object for the newly created object. This method also accepts a second optional argument, which is the same as the second argument to Object.defineProperties(). If you pass a set of property descriptors to Object.create(), then they are used to add properties to the newly created object.
Object.defineProperty() and Object.defineProperties() throw TypeError if the attempt to create or modify a property is not allowed. This happens if you attempt to add a new property to a non-extensible (see §14.2) object. The other reasons that these methods might throw TypeError have to do with the attributes themselves. The writable attribute governs attempts to change the value attribute. And the configurable attribute governs attempts to change the other attributes (and also specifies whether a property can be deleted). The rules are not completely straightforward, however. It is possible to change the value of a nonwritable property if that property is configurable, for example. Also, it is possible to change a property from writable to nonwritable even if that property is nonconfigurable. Here are the complete rules. Calls to Object.defineProperty() or Object.defineProperties() that attempt to violate them throw a TypeError:
If an object is not extensible, you can edit its existing own properties, but you cannot add new properties to it.
If a property is not configurable, you cannot change its configurable or enumerable attributes.
If an accessor property is not configurable, you cannot change its getter or setter method, and you cannot change it to a data property.
If a data property is not configurable, you cannot change it to an accessor property.
If a data property is not configurable, you cannot change its writable attribute from false to true, but you can change it from true to false.
If a data property is not configurable and not writable, you cannot change its value. You can change the value of a property that is configurable but nonwritable, however (because that would be the same as making it writable, then changing the value, then converting it back to nonwritable).
§6.7 described the Object.assign() function that copies property values from one or more source objects into a target object. Object.assign() only copies enumerable properties, and property values, not property attributes. This is normally what we want, but it does mean, for example, that if one of the source objects has an accessor property, it is the value returned by the getter function that is copied to the target object, not the getter function itself. Example 14-1 demonstrates how we can use Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() and Object.defineProperty() to create a variant of Object.assign() that copies entire property descriptors rather than just copying property values.
Example 14-1. Copying properties and their attributes from one object to another
* Define a new Object.assignDescriptors() function that works like
* Object.assign() except that it copies property descriptors from
* source objects into the target object instead of just copying
* property values. This function copies all own properties, both
* enumerable and non-enumerable. And because it copies descriptors,
* it copies getter functions from source objects and overwrites setter
* functions in the target object rather than invoking those getters and
* setters.
* Object.assignDescriptors() propagates any TypeErrors thrown by
* Object.defineProperty(). This can occur if the target object is sealed
* or frozen or if any of the source properties try to change an existing
* non-configurable property on the target object.
* Note that the assignDescriptors property is added to Object with
* Object.defineProperty() so that the new function can be created as
* a non-enumerable property like Object.assign().
Object.defineProperty(Object, "assignDescriptors", {
// Match the attributes of Object.assign()
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
// The function that is the value of the assignDescriptors property.
value: function(target, ...sources) {
for(let source of sources) {
for(let name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source)) {
let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, name);
Object.defineProperty(target, name, desc);
for(let symbol of Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source)) {
let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, symbol);
Object.defineProperty(target, symbol, desc);
return target;
let o = {c: 1, get count() {return this.c++;}}; // Define object with getter
let p = Object.assign({}, o); // Copy the property values
let q = Object.assignDescriptors({}, o); // Copy the property descriptors
p.count // => 1: This is now just a data property so
p.count // => 1: ...the counter does not increment.
q.count // => 2: Incremented once when we copied it the first time,
q.count // => 3: ...but we copied the getter method so it increments.
# 14.2 Object Extensibility
The extensible attribute of an object specifies whether new properties can be added to the object or not. Ordinary JavaScript objects are extensible by default, but you can change that with the functions described in this section.
To determine whether an object is extensible, pass it to Object.isExtensible(). To make an object non-extensible, pass it to Object.preventExtensions(). Once you have done this, any attempt to add a new property to the object will throw a TypeError in strict mode and simply fail silently without an error in non-strict mode. In addition, attempting to change the prototype (see §14.3) of a non-extensible object will always throw a TypeError.
Note that there is no way to make an object extensible again once you have made it non-extensible. Also note that calling Object.preventExtensions() only affects the extensibility of the object itself. If new properties are added to the prototype of a non-extensible object, the non-extensible object will inherit those new properties.
Two similar functions, Reflect.isExtensible() and Reflect.preventExtensions(), are described in §14.6.
The purpose of the extensible attribute is to be able to “lock down” objects into a known state and prevent outside tampering. The extensible attribute of objects is often used in conjunction with the configurable and writable attributes of properties, and JavaScript defines functions that make it easy to set these attributes together:
Object.seal() works like Object.preventExtensions(), but in addition to making the object non-extensible, it also makes all of the own properties of that object nonconfigurable. This means that new properties cannot be added to the object, and existing properties cannot be deleted or configured. Existing properties that are writable can still be set, however. There is no way to unseal a sealed object. You can use Object.isSealed() to determine whether an object is sealed.
Object.freeze() locks objects down even more tightly. In addition to making the object non-extensible and its properties nonconfigurable, it also makes all of the object’s own data properties read-only. (If the object has accessor properties with setter methods, these are not affected and can still be invoked by assignment to the property.) Use Object.isFrozen() to determine if an object is frozen.
It is important to understand that Object.seal() and Object.freeze() affect only the object they are passed: they have no effect on the prototype of that object. If you want to thoroughly lock down an object, you probably need to seal or freeze the objects in the prototype chain as well.
Object.preventExtensions(), Object.seal(), and Object.freeze() all return the object that they are passed, which means that you can use them in nested function invocations:
// Create a sealed object with a frozen prototype and a non-enumerable property
let o = Object.seal(Object.create(Object.freeze({x: 1}),
{y: {value: 2, writable: true}}));
If you are writing a JavaScript library that passes objects to callback functions written by the users of your library, you might use Object.freeze() on those objects to prevent the user’s code from modifying them. This is easy and convenient to do, but there are trade-offs: frozen objects can interfere with common JavaScript testing strategies, for example.
# 14.3 The prototype Attribute
An object’s prototype attribute specifies the object from which it inherits properties. (Review §6.2.3 and §6.3.2 for more on prototypes and property inheritance.) This is such an important attribute that we usually simply say “the prototype of o" rather than “the prototype attribute of o.” Remember also that when prototype appears in code font, it refers to an ordinary object property, not to the prototype attribute: Chapter 9 explained that the prototype property of a constructor function specifies the prototype attribute of the objects created with that constructor.
The prototype attribute is set when an object is created. Objects created from object literals use Object.prototype as their prototype. Objects created with new use the value of the prototype property of their constructor function as their prototype. And objects created with Object.create() use the first argument to that function (which may be null) as their prototype.
You can query the prototype of any object by passing that object to Object.getPrototypeOf():
Object.getPrototypeOf({}) // => Object.prototype
Object.getPrototypeOf([]) // => Array.prototype
Object.getPrototypeOf(()=>{}) // => Function.prototype
A very similar function, Reflect.getPrototypeOf(), is described in §14.6.
To determine whether one object is the prototype of (or is part of the prototype chain of) another object, use the isPrototypeOf() method:
let p = {x: 1}; // Define a prototype object.
let o = Object.create(p); // Create an object with that prototype.
p.isPrototypeOf(o) // => true: o inherits from p
Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf(p) // => true: p inherits from Object.prototype
Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf(o) // => true: o does too
Note that isPrototypeOf() performs a function similar to the instanceof operator (see §4.9.4).
The prototype attribute of an object is set when the object is created and normally remains fixed. You can, however, change the prototype of an object with Object.setPrototypeOf():
let o = {x: 1};
let p = {y: 2};
Object.setPrototypeOf(o, p); // Set the prototype of o to p
o.y // => 2: o now inherits the property y
let a = [1, 2, 3];
Object.setPrototypeOf(a, p); // Set the prototype of array a to p
a.join // => undefined: a no longer has a join() method
There is generally no need to ever use Object.setPrototypeOf(). JavaScript implementations may make aggressive optimizations based on the assumption that the prototype of an object is fixed and unchanging. This means that if you ever call Object.setPrototypeOf(), any code that uses the altered objects may run much slower than it would normally.
A similar function, Reflect.setPrototypeOf(), is described in §14.6.
Some early browser implementations of JavaScript exposed the prototype attribute of an object through the proto property (written with two underscores at the start and end). This has long since been deprecated, but enough existing code on the web depends on proto that the ECMAScript standard mandates it for all JavaScript implementations that run in web browsers. (Node supports it, too, though the standard does not require it for Node.) In modern JavaScript, proto is readable and writeable, and you can (though you shouldn’t) use it as an alternative to Object.getPrototypeOf() and Object.setPrototypeOf(). One interesting use of proto, however, is to define the prototype of an object literal:
let p = {z: 3};
let o = {
x: 1,
y: 2,
__proto__: p
o.z // => 3: o inherits from p
# 14.4 Well-Known Symbols
The Symbol type was added to JavaScript in ES6, and one of the primary reasons for doing so was to safely add extensions to the language without breaking compatibility with code already deployed on the web. We saw an example of this in Chapter 12, where we learned that you can make a class iterable by implementing a method whose “name” is the Symbol Symbol.iterator.
Symbol.iterator is the best-known example of the “well-known Symbols.” These are a set of Symbol values stored as properties of the Symbol() factory function that are used to allow JavaScript code to control certain low-level behaviors of objects and classes. The subsections that follow describe each of these well-known Symbols and explain how they can be used.
# 14.4.1 Symbol.iterator and Symbol.asyncIterator
The Symbol.iterator and Symbol.asyncIterator Symbols allow objects or classes to make themselves iterable or asynchronously iterable. They were covered in detail in Chapter 12 and §13.4.2, respectively, and are mentioned again here only for completeness.
# 14.4.2 Symbol.hasInstance
When the instanceof operator was described in §4.9.4, we said that the righthand side must be a constructor function and that the expression o instanceof f was evaluated by looking for the value f.prototype within the prototype chain of o. That is still true, but in ES6 and beyond, Symbol.hasInstance provides an alternative. In ES6, if the righthand side of instanceof is any object with a [Symbol.hasInstance] method, then that method is invoked with the lefthand side value as its argument, and the return value of the method, converted to a boolean, becomes the value of the instanceof operator. And, of course, if the value on the righthand side does not have a [Symbol.hasInstance] method but is a function, then the instanceof operator behaves in its ordinary way.
Symbol.hasInstance means that we can use the instanceof operator to do generic type checking with suitably defined pseudotype objects. For example:
// Define an object as a "type" we can use with instanceof
let uint8 = {
[Symbol.hasInstance](x) {
return Number.isInteger(x) && x >= 0 && x <= 255;
128 instanceof uint8 // => true
256 instanceof uint8 // => false: too big
Math.PI instanceof uint8 // => false: not an integer
Note that this example is clever but confusing because it uses a nonclass object where a class would normally be expected. It would be just as easy—and clearer to readers of your code—to write a isUint8() function instead of relying on this Symbol.hasInstance behavior.
# 14.4.3 Symbol.toStringTag
If you invoke the toString() method of a basic JavaScript object, you get the string “[object Object]”:
{}.toString() // => "[object Object]"
If you invoke this same Object.prototype.toString() function as a method of instances of built-in types, you get some interesting results:
Object.prototype.toString.call([]) // => "[object Array]"
Object.prototype.toString.call(/./) // => "[object RegExp]"
Object.prototype.toString.call(()=>{}) // => "[object Function]"
Object.prototype.toString.call("") // => "[object String]"
Object.prototype.toString.call(0) // => "[object Number]"
Object.prototype.toString.call(false) // => "[object Boolean]"
It turns out that you can use this Object.prototype.toString().call() technique with any JavaScript value to obtain the “class attribute” of an object that contains type information that is not otherwise available. The following classof() function is arguably more useful than the typeof operator, which makes no distinction between types of objects:
function classof(o) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8,-1);
classof(null) // => "Null"
classof(undefined) // => "Undefined"
classof(1) // => "Number"
classof(10n**100n) // => "BigInt"
classof("") // => "String"
classof(false) // => "Boolean"
classof(Symbol()) // => "Symbol"
classof({}) // => "Object"
classof([]) // => "Array"
classof(/./) // => "RegExp"
classof(()=>{}) // => "Function"
classof(new Map()) // => "Map"
classof(new Set()) // => "Set"
classof(new Date()) // => "Date"
Prior to ES6, this special behavior of the Object.prototype.toString() method was available only to instances of built-in types, and if you called this classof() function on an instance of a class you had defined yourself, it would simply return “Object”. In ES6, however, Object.prototype.toString() looks for a property with the symbolic name Symbol.toStringTag on its argument, and if such a property exists, it uses the property value in its output. This means that if you define a class of your own, you can easily make it work with functions like classof():
class Range {
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return "Range"; }
// the rest of this class is omitted here
let r = new Range(1, 10);
Object.prototype.toString.call(r) // => "[object Range]"
classof(r) // => "Range"
# 14.4.4 Symbol.species
Prior to ES6, JavaScript did not provide any real way to create robust subclasses of built-in classes like Array. In ES6, however, you can extend any built-in class simply by using the class and extends keywords. §9.5.2 demonstrated that with this simple subclass of Array:
// A trivial Array subclass that adds getters for the first and last elements.
class EZArray extends Array {
get first() { return this[0]; }
get last() { return this[this.length-1]; }
let e = new EZArray(1,2,3);
let f = e.map(x => x * x);
e.last // => 3: the last element of EZArray e
f.last // => 9: f is also an EZArray with a last property
Array defines methods concat(), filter(), map(), slice(), and splice(), which return arrays. When we create an array subclass like EZArray that inherits these methods, should the inherited method return instances of Array or instances of EZArray? Good arguments can be made for either choice, but the ES6 specification says that (by default) the five array-returning methods will return instances of the subclass.
Here’s how it works:
In ES6 and later, the Array() constructor has a property with the symbolic name Symbol.species. (Note that this Symbol is used as the name of a property of the constructor function. Most of the other well-known Symbols described here are used as the name of methods of a prototype object.)
When we create a subclass with extends, the resulting subclass constructor inherits properties from the superclass constructor. (This is in addition to the normal kind of inheritance, where instances of the subclass inherit methods of the superclass.) This means that the constructor for every subclass of Array also has an inherited property with name Symbol.species. (Or a subclass can define its own property with this name, if it wants.)
Methods like map() and slice() that create and return new arrays are tweaked slightly in ES6 and later. Instead of just creating a regular Array, they (in effect) invoke new this.constructorSymbol.species to create the new array.
Now here’s the interesting part. Suppose that Array[Symbol.species] was just a regular data property, defined like this:
Array[Symbol.species] = Array;
In that case, then subclass constructors would inherit the Array() constructor as their “species,” and invoking map() on an array subclass would return an instance of the superclass rather than an instance of the subclass. That is not how ES6 actually behaves, however. The reason is that Array[Symbol.species] is a read-only accessor property whose getter function simply returns this. Subclass constructors inherit this getter function, which means that by default, every subclass constructor is its own “species.”
Sometimes this default behavior is not what you want, however. If you wanted the array-returning methods of EZArray to return regular Array objects, you just need to set EZArray[Symbol.species] to Array. But since the inherited property is a read-only accessor, you can’t just set it with an assignment operator. You can use defineProperty(), however:
EZArray[Symbol.species] = Array; // Attempt to set a read-only property fails
// Instead we can use defineProperty():
Object.defineProperty(EZArray, Symbol.species, {value: Array});
The simplest option is probably to explicitly define your own Symbol.species getter when creating the subclass in the first place:
class EZArray extends Array {
static get [Symbol.species]() { return Array; }
get first() { return this[0]; }
get last() { return this[this.length-1]; }
let e = new EZArray(1,2,3);
let f = e.map(x => x - 1);
e.last // => 3
f.last // => undefined: f is a regular array with no last getter
Creating useful subclasses of Array was the primary use case that motivated the introduction of Symbol.species, but it is not the only place that this well-known Symbol is used. Typed array classes use the Symbol in the same way that the Array class does. Similarly, the slice() method of ArrayBuffer looks at the Symbol.species property of this.constructor instead of simply creating a new ArrayBuffer. And Promise methods like then() that return new Promise objects create those objects via this species protocol as well. Finally, if you find yourself subclassing Map (for example) and defining methods that return new Map objects, you might want to use Symbol.species yourself for the benefit of subclasses of your subclass.
# 14.4.5 Symbol.isConcatSpreadable
The Array method concat() is one of the methods described in the previous section that uses Symbol.species to determine what constructor to use for the returned array. But concat() also uses Symbol.isConcatSpreadable. Recall from §7.8.3 that the concat() method of an array treats its this value and its array arguments differently than its nonarray arguments: nonarray arguments are simply appended to the new array, but the this array and any array arguments are flattened or “spread” so that the elements of the array are concatenated rather than the array argument itself.
Before ES6, concat() just used Array.isArray() to determine whether to treat a value as an array or not. In ES6, the algorithm is changed slightly: if the argument (or the this value) to concat() is an object and has a property with the symbolic name Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, then the boolean value of that property is used to determine whether the argument should be “spread.” If no such property exists, then Array.isArray() is used as in previous versions of the language.
There are two cases when you might want to use this Symbol:
If you create an Array-like (see §7.9) object and want it to behave like a real array when passed to concat(), you can simply add the symbolic property to your object:
let arraylike = {
length: 1,
0: 1,
[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable]: true
[].concat(arraylike) // => [1]: (would be [[1]] if not spread)
Array subclasses are spreadable by default, so if you are defining an array subclass that you do not want to act like an array when used with concat(), then you can1 add a getter like this to your subclass:
class NonSpreadableArray extends Array {
get [Symbol.isConcatSpreadable]() { return false; }
let a = new NonSpreadableArray(1,2,3);
[].concat(a).length // => 1; (would be 3 elements long if a was spread)
# 14.4.6 Pattern-Matching Symbols
§11.3.2 documented the String methods that perform pattern-matching operations using a RegExp argument. In ES6 and later, these methods have been generalized to work with RegExp objects or any object that defines pattern-matching behavior via properties with symbolic names. For each of the string methods match(), matchAll(), search(), replace(), and split(), there is a corresponding well-known Symbol: Symbol.match, Symbol.search, and so on.
RegExps are a general and very powerful way to describe textual patterns, but they can be complicated and not well suited to fuzzy matching. With the generalized string methods, you can define your own pattern classes using the well-known Symbol methods to provide custom matching. For example, you could perform string comparisons using Intl.Collator (see §11.7.3) to ignore accents when matching. Or you could define a pattern class based on the Soundex algorithm to match words based on their approximate sounds or to loosely match strings up to a given Levenshtein distance.
In general, when you invoke one of these five String methods on a pattern object like this:
string.method(pattern, arg) that invocation turns into an invocation of a symbolically named method on your pattern object:
pattern[symbol](string, arg) As an example, consider the pattern-matching class in the next example, which implements pattern matching using the simple * and ? wildcards that you are probably familar with from filesystems. This style of pattern matching dates back to the very early days of the Unix operating system, and the patterns are often called globs:
class Glob {
constructor(glob) {
this.glob = glob;
// We implement glob matching using RegExp internally.
// ? matches any one character except /, and * matches zero or more
// of those characters. We use capturing groups around each.
let regexpText = glob.replace("?", "([^/])").replace("*", "([^/]*)");
// We use the u flag to get Unicode-aware matching.
// Globs are intended to match entire strings, so we use the ^ and $
// anchors and do not implement search() or matchAll() since they
// are not useful with patterns like this.
this.regexp = new RegExp(`^${regexpText}$`, "u");
toString() { return this.glob; }
[Symbol.search](s) { return s.search(this.regexp); }
[Symbol.match](s) { return s.match(this.regexp); }
[Symbol.replace](s, replacement) {
return s.replace(this.regexp, replacement);
let pattern = new Glob("docs/*.txt");
"docs/js.txt".search(pattern) // => 0: matches at character 0
"docs/js.htm".search(pattern) // => -1: does not match
let match = "docs/js.txt".match(pattern);
match[0] // => "docs/js.txt"
match[1] // => "js"
match.index // => 0
"docs/js.txt".replace(pattern, "web/$1.htm") // => "web/js.htm"
# 14.4.7 Symbol.toPrimitive
§3.9.3 explained that JavaScript has three slightly different algorithms for converting objects to primitive values. Loosely speaking, for conversions where a string value is expected or preferred, JavaScript invokes an object’s toString() method first and falls back on the valueOf() method if toString() is not defined or does not return a primitive value. For conversions where a numeric value is preferred, JavaScript tries the valueOf() method first and falls back on toString() if valueOf() is not defined or if it does not return a primitive value. And finally, in cases where there is no preference, it lets the class decide how to do the conversion. Date objects convert using toString() first, and all other types try valueOf() first.
In ES6, the well-known Symbol Symbol.toPrimitive allows you to override this default object-to-primitive behavior and gives you complete control over how instances of your own classes will be converted to primitive values. To do this, define a method with this symbolic name. The method must return a primitive value that somehow represents the object. The method you define will be invoked with a single string argument that tells you what kind of conversion JavaScript is trying to do on your object:
If the argument is "string", it means that JavaScript is doing the conversion in a context where it would expect or prefer (but not require) a string. This happens when you interpolate the object into a template literal, for example.
If the argument is "number", it means that JavaScript is doing the conversion in a context where it would expect or prefer (but not require) a numeric value. This happens when you use the object with a < or > operator or with arithmetic operators like - and *.
If the argument is "default", it means that JavaScript is converting your object in a context where either a numeric or string value could work. This happens with the +, ==, and != operators.
Many classes can ignore the argument and simply return the same primitive value in all cases. If you want instances of your class to be comparable and sortable with < and >, then that is a good reason to define a [Symbol.toPrimitive] method.
# 14.4.8 Symbol.unscopables
The final well-known Symbol that we’ll cover here is an obscure one that was introduced as a workaround for compatibility issues caused by the deprecated with statement. Recall that the with statement takes an object and executes its statement body as if it were in a scope where the properties of that object were variables. This caused compatibility problems when new methods were added to the Array class, and it broke some existing code. Symbol.unscopables is the result. In ES6 and later, the with statement has been slightly modified. When used with an object o, a with statement computes Object.keys(o[Symbol.unscopables]||{}) and ignores properties whose names are in the resulting array when creating the simulated scope in which to execute its body. ES6 uses this to add new methods to Array.prototype without breaking existing code on the web. This means that you can find a list of the newest Array methods by evaluating:
let newArrayMethods = Object.keys(Array.prototype[Symbol.unscopables]);
# 14.5 Template Tags
Strings within backticks are known as “template literals” and were covered in §3.3.4. When an expression whose value is a function is followed by a template literal, it turns into a function invocation, and we call it a “tagged template literal.” Defining a new tag function for use with tagged template literals can be thought of as metaprogramming, because tagged templates are often used to define DSLs—domain-specific languages—and defining a new tag function is like adding new syntax to JavaScript. Tagged template literals have been adopted by a number of frontend JavaScript packages. The GraphQL query language uses a gqltag function to allow queries to be embedded within JavaScript code. And the Emotion library uses a css
tag function to enable CSS styles to be embedded in JavaScript. This section demonstrates how to write your own tag functions like these.
There is nothing special about tag functions: they are ordinary JavaScript functions, and no special syntax is required to define them. When a function expression is followed by a template literal, the function is invoked. The first argument is an array of strings, and this is followed by zero or more additional arguments, which can have values of any type.
The number of arguments depends on the number of values that are interpolated into the template literal. If the template literal is simply a constant string with no interpolations, then the tag function will be called with an array of that one string and no additional arguments. If the template literal includes one interpolated value, then the tag function is called with two arguments. The first is an array of two strings, and the second is the interpolated value. The strings in that initial array are the string to the left of the interpolated value and the string to its right, and either one of them may be the empty string. If the template literal includes two interpolated values, then the tag function is invoked with three arguments: an array of three strings and the two interpolated values. The three strings (any or all of which may be empty) are the text to the left of the first value, the text between the two values, and the text to the right of the second value. In the general case, if the template literal has n interpolated values, then the tag function will be invoked with n+1 arguments. The first argument will be an array of n+1 strings, and the remaining arguments are the n interpolated values, in the order that they appear in the template literal.
The value of a template literal is always a string. But the value of a tagged template literal is whatever value the tag function returns. This may be a string, but when the tag function is used to implement a DSL, the return value is typically a non-string data structure that is a parsed representation of the string.
As an example of a template tag function that returns a string, consider the following html`` template, which is useful when you want to safely interpolate values into a string of HTML. The tag performs HTML escaping on each of the values before using it to build the final string:
function html(strings, ...values) {
// Convert each value to a string and escape special HTML characters
let escaped = values.map(v => String(v)
.replace("&", "&")
.replace("<", "<")
.replace(">", ">")
.replace('"', """)
.replace("'", "'"));
// Return the concatenated strings and escaped values
let result = strings[0];
for(let i = 0; i < escaped.length; i++) {
result += escaped[i] + strings[i+1];
return result;
let operator = "<";
html`<b>x ${operator} y</b>` // => "<b>x < y</b>"
let kind = "game", name = "D&D";
html`<div class="${kind}">${name}</div>` // =>'<div class="game">D&D</div>'
For an example of a tag function that does not return a string but instead a parsed representation of a string, think back to the Glob pattern class defined in §14.4.6. Since the Glob() constructor takes a single string argument, we can define a tag function for creating new Glob objects:
function glob(strings, ...values) {
// Assemble the strings and values into a single string
let s = strings[0];
for(let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
s += values[i] + strings[i+1];
// Return a parsed representation of that string
return new Glob(s);
let root = "/tmp";
let filePattern = glob`${root}/*.html`; // A RegExp alternative
"/tmp/test.html".match(filePattern)[1] // => "test"
One of the features mentioned in passing in §3.3.4 is the String.rawtag function that returns a string in its “raw” form without interpreting any of the backslash escape sequences. This is implemented using a feature of tag function invocation that we have not discussed yet. When a tag function is invoked, we’ve seen that its first argument is an array of strings. But this array also has a property named raw, and the value of that property is another array of strings, with the same number of elements. The argument array includes strings that have had escape sequences interpreted as usual. And the raw array includes strings in which escape sequences are not interpreted. This obscure feature is important if you want to define a DSL with a grammar that uses backslashes. For example, if we wanted our glob
tag function to support pattern matching on Windows-style paths (which use backslashes instead of forward slashes) and we did not want users of the tag to have to double every backslash, we could rewrite that function to use strings.raw[] instead of strings[]. The downside, of course, would be that we could no longer use escapes like \u in our glob literals.
# 14.6 The Reflect API
The Reflect object is not a class; like the Math object, its properties simply define a collection of related functions. These functions, added in ES6, define an API for “reflecting upon” objects and their properties. There is little new functionality here: the Reflect object defines a convenient set of functions, all in a single namespace, that mimic the behavior of core language syntax and duplicate the features of various pre-existing Object functions.
Although the Reflect functions do not provide any new features, they do group the features together in one convenient API. And, importantly, the set of Reflect functions maps one-to-one with the set of Proxy handler methods that we’ll learn about in §14.7.
The Reflect API consists of the following functions:
Reflect.apply(f, o, args) This function invokes the function f as a method of o (or invokes it as a function with no this value if o is null) and passes the values in the args array as arguments. It is equivalent to f.apply(o, args).
Reflect.construct(c, args, newTarget) This function invokes the constructor c as if the new keyword had been used and passes the elements of the array args as arguments. If the optional newTarget argument is specified, it is used as the value of new.target within the constructor invocation. If not specified, then the new.target value will be c.
Reflect.defineProperty(o, name, descriptor) This function defines a property on the object o, using name (a string or symbol) as the name of the property. The Descriptor object should define the value (or getter and/or setter) and attributes of the property. Reflect.defineProperty() is very similar to Object.defineProperty() but returns true on success and false on failures. (Object.defineProperty() returns o on success and throws TypeError on failure.)
Reflect.deleteProperty(o, name) This function deletes the property with the specified string or symbolic name from the object o, returning true if successful (or if no such property existed) and false if the property could not be deleted. Calling this function is similar to writing delete o[name].
Reflect.get(o, name, receiver) This function returns the value of the property of o with the specified name (a string or symbol). If the property is an accessor method with a getter, and if the optional receiver argument is specified, then the getter function is called as a method of receiver instead of as a method of o. Calling this function is similar to evaluating o[name].
Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, name) This function returns a property descriptor object that describes the attributes of the property named name of the object o, or returns undefined if no such property exists. This function is nearly identical to Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(), except that the Reflect API version of the function requires that the first argument be an object and throws TypeError if it is not.
Reflect.getPrototypeOf(o) This function returns the prototype of object o or null if the object has no prototype. It throws a TypeError if o is a primitive value instead of an object. This function is almost identical to Object.getPrototypeOf() except that Object.getPrototypeOf() only throws a TypeError for null and undefined arguments and coerces other primitive values to their wrapper objects.
Reflect.has(o, name) This function returns true if the object o has a property with the specified name (which must be a string or a symbol). Calling this function is similar to evaluating name in o.
Reflect.isExtensible(o) This function returns true if the object o is extensible (§14.2) and false if it is not. It throws a TypeError if o is not an object. Object.isExtensible() is similar but simply returns false when passed an argument that is not an object.
Reflect.ownKeys(o) This function returns an array of the names of the properties of the object o or throws a TypeError if o is not an object. The names in the returned array will be strings and/or symbols. Calling this function is similar to calling Object.getOwnPropertyNames() and Object.getOwnPropertySymbols() and combining their results.
Reflect.preventExtensions(o) This function sets the extensible attribute (§14.2) of the object o to false and returns true to indicate success. It throws a TypeError if o is not an object. Object.preventExtensions() has the same effect but returns o instead of true and does not throw TypeError for nonobject arguments.
Reflect.set(o, name, value, receiver) This function sets the property with the specified name of the object o to the specified value. It returns true on success and false on failure (which can happen if the property is read-only). It throws TypeError if o is not an object. If the specified property is an accessor property with a setter function, and if the optional receiver argument is passed, then the setter will be invoked as a method of receiver instead of being invoked as a method of o. Calling this function is usually the same as evaluating o[name] = value.
Reflect.setPrototypeOf(o, p) This function sets the prototype of the object o to p, returning true on success and false on failure (which can occur if o is not extensible or if the operation would cause a circular prototype chain). It throws a TypeError if o is not an object or if p is neither an object nor null. Object.setPrototypeOf() is similar, but returns o on success and throws TypeError on failure. Remember that calling either of these functions is likely to make your code slower by disrupting JavaScript interpreter optimizations.
# 14.7 Proxy Objects
The Proxy class, available in ES6 and later, is JavaScript’s most powerful metaprogramming feature. It allows us to write code that alters the fundamental behavior of JavaScript objects. The Reflect API described in §14.6 is a set of functions that gives us direct access to a set of fundamental operations on JavaScript objects. What the Proxy class does is allows us a way to implement those fundamental operations ourselves and create objects that behave in ways that are not possible for ordinary objects.
ES6 之后引入的 Proxy 类是 JavaScript 非常强大的元编程特性。它允许我们通过编写代码来改变 JavaScript 对象的基本行为。§14.6 描述的 Reflect API 是一组让我们可以直接访问 JavaScript 对象的基本操作的函数。而 Proxy 类是允许我们自己实现那些基本操作的一种方法,并且创建对象 TODO
When we create a Proxy object, we specify two other objects, the target object and the handlers object:
当创建一个 Proxy 对象时需要指定另外两个对象,target 对象和 handlers 对象:
let proxy = new Proxy(target, handlers);
The resulting Proxy object has no state or behavior of its own. Whenever you perform an operation on it (read a property, write a property, define a new property, look up the prototype, invoke it as a function), it dispatches those operations to the handlers object or to the target object.
Proxy 对象返回值没有状态和行为。每当使用它执行一个操作时(读属性,写属性,定义一个新的属性,寻找 prototype,将其作为函数调用),它会将操作派发给 handlers 或者 target 对象。
The operations supported by Proxy objects are the same as those defined by the Reflect API. Suppose that p is a Proxy object and you write delete p.x. The Reflect.deleteProperty() function has the same behavior as the delete operator. And when you use the delete operator to delete a property of a Proxy object, it looks for a deleteProperty() method on the handlers object. If such a method exists, it invokes it. And if no such method exists, then the Proxy object performs the property deletion on the target object instead.
Proxy 对象支持的操作和 Reflect API 定义的操作一样。假设 p 是一个 Proxy 对象,并且你写一段代码
delete p.x
。Reflect.deleteProperty() 和 delete 操作符有同样的行为。而且当使用 delete 操作符去删除一个 Proxy 对象的属性时,它会去寻找 handlers 对象的 deleteProperty() 方法。如果存在这样一个方法,它将被调用。如果方法不存在,那么 Proxy 对象将在 target 对象上执行属性删除。
Proxies work this way for all of the fundamental operations: if an appropriate method exists on the handlers object, it invokes that method to perform the operation. (The method names and signatures are the same as those of the Reflect functions covered in §14.6.) And if that method does not exist on the handlers object, then the Proxy performs the fundamental operation on the target object. This means that a Proxy can obtain its behavior from the target object or from the handlers object. If the handlers object is empty, then the proxy is essentially a transparent wrapper around the target object:
Proxy 这种方式作用于所有的基本操作:如果有一个适当的方法存在于 handlers 对象,它就会调用这个方法来执行这个操作。(方法的方法名和签名与 §14.6 Reflect 包含的函数一致)如果那个方法不存在于 handlers 对象,那么 Proxy 会在 target 对象上执行该基本操作。这意味 Proxy 可以从 target 对象或 handlers 对象上获取它的行为。如果 handlers 对象是空的,Proxy 本质上是 target 对象的透明包装器:
let t = { x: 1, y: 2 };
let p = new Proxy(t, {});
p.x // => 1
delete p.y // => true: delete property y of the proxy
t.y // => undefined: this deletes it in the target, too
p.z = 3; // Defining a new property on the proxy
t.z // => 3: defines the property on the target
This kind of transparent wrapper proxy is essentially equivalent to the underlying target object, which means that there really isn’t a reason to use it instead of the wrapped object. Transparent wrappers can be useful, however, when created as “revocable proxies.” Instead of creating a Proxy with the Proxy() constructor, you can use the Proxy.revocable() factory function. This function returns an object that includes a Proxy object and also a revoke() function. Once you call the revoke() function, the proxy immediately stops working:
这种透明的包装 proxy 本质上等同于底层的 target 对象,这意味着确实没有理由使用它来代替被包装的对象。但创建类似于可回收的代理时,透明的包装是很实用的。可以使用 Proxy.revocable() 工厂函数创建 Proxy。这个函数返回一个 Proxy 对象和 revoke() 函数。当调用 revoke() 函数时,代理立即停止工作:
function accessTheDatabase() { /* implementation omitted */ return 42; }
let {proxy, revoke} = Proxy.revocable(accessTheDatabase, {});
proxy() // => 42: The proxy gives access to the underlying target function
revoke(); // But that access can be turned off whenever we want
proxy(); // !TypeError: we can no longer call this function
Note that in addition to demonstrating revocable proxies, the preceding code also demonstrates that proxies can work with target functions as well as target objects. But the main point here is that revocable proxies are a building block for a kind of code isolation, and you might use them when dealing with untrusted third-party libraries, for example. If you have to pass a function to a library that you don’t control, you can pass a revocable proxy instead and then revoke the proxy when you are finished with the library. This prevents the library from keeping a reference to your function and calling it at unexpected times. This kind of defensive programming is not typical in JavaScript programs, but the Proxy class at least makes it possible.
注意除了上面描述的可回收代理,前面的代码同样也论述了代理既可以代理 target 函数也可以代理 target 对象。但是这里主要关注点是可回收代理是一种代码隔离的构件,例如可以使用它们与不信任的第三方库进行交互。如果给一个库传递一个你无法控制的函数,可以传递一个可回收代理,当使用完这个库时 revoke 掉这个代理。这种防御式编程在 JavaScript 编程中并不常见,但是 Proxy 类至少可以实现。
If we pass a non-empty handlers object to the Proxy() constructor, then we are no longer defining a transparent wrapper object and are instead implementing custom behavior for our proxy. With the right set of handlers, the underlying target object essentially becomes irrelevant.
如果传一个非空 handlers 对象给 Proxy 的构造函数,我们不在是定义一个透明的包装代理,而是为我们的代理实现定制的行为。正确设定 handler 时,底层的 target 对象基本上就无关了。
In the following code, for example, is how we could implement an object that appears to have an infinite number of read-only properties, where the value of each property is the same as the name of the property:
// We use a Proxy to create an object that appears to have every
// possible property, with the value of each property equal to its name
let identity = new Proxy({}, {
// Every property has its own name as its value
get(o, name, target) { return name; },
// Every property name is defined
has(o, name) { return true; },
// There are too many properties to enumerate, so we just throw
ownKeys(o) { throw new RangeError("Infinite number of properties"); },
// All properties exist and are not writable, configurable or enumerable.
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, name) {
return {
value: name,
enumerable: false,
writable: false,
configurable: false
// All properties are read-only so they can't be set
set(o, name, value, target) { return false; },
// All properties are non-configurable, so they can't be deleted
deleteProperty(o, name) { return false; },
// All properties exist and are non-configurable so we can't define more
defineProperty(o, name, desc) { return false; },
// In effect, this means that the object is not extensible
isExtensible(o) { return false; },
// All properties are already defined on this object, so it couldn't
// inherit anything even if it did have a prototype object.
getPrototypeOf(o) { return null; },
// The object is not extensible, so we can't change the prototype
setPrototypeOf(o, proto) { return false; },
identity.x // => "x"
identity.toString // => "toString"
identity[0] // => "0"
identity.x = 1; // Setting properties has no effect
identity.x // => "x"
delete identity.x // => false: can't delete properties either
identity.x // => "x"
Object.keys(identity); // !RangeError: can't list all the keys
for(let p of identity) ; // !RangeError
Proxy objects can derive their behavior from the target object and from the handlers object, and the examples we have seen so far have used one object or the other. But it is typically more useful to define proxies that use both objects.
Proxy 对象可以从 target 和 handlers 对象中驱动它的行为,并且到目前为止我们的例子都只用一个对象。但是两个对象都定义通常会更有作用。
The following code, for example, uses Proxy to create a read-only wrapper for a target object. When code tries to read values from the object, those reads are forwarded to the target object normally. But if any code tries to modify the object or its properties, methods of the handler object throw a TypeError. A proxy like this might be helpful for writing tests: suppose you’ve written a function that takes an object argument and want to ensure that your function does not make any attempt to modify the input argument. If your test passes in a read-only wrapper object, then any writes will throw exceptions that cause the test to fail:
例如下面的代码,使用 Proxy 创建为 target 对象创建一个只读的封装。当代码试图从对象中读值时,这些读操作正常会传递给 taregt 对象。但是如果有代码试图修改对象或者对象的属性,handler 对象的方法会抛出一个 TypeError 一场。这样的代理可能会更有助于写测试:假设你写了个接收一个对象实参的函数,并且确保你的函数不会试图修改这个输入实参。如何你测试传入一个只读封装对象,那么任何写操作都会抛出异常并导致测试失败:
function readOnlyProxy(o) {
function readonly() { throw new TypeError("Readonly"); }
return new Proxy(o, {
set: readonly,
defineProperty: readonly,
deleteProperty: readonly,
setPrototypeOf: readonly,
let o = { x: 1, y: 2 }; // Normal writable object
let p = readOnlyProxy(o); // Readonly version of it
p.x // => 1: reading properties works
p.x = 2; // !TypeError: can't change properties
delete p.y; // !TypeError: can't delete properties
p.z = 3; // !TypeError: can't add properties
p.__proto__ = {}; // !TypeError: can't change the prototype
Another technique when writing proxies is to define handler methods that intercept operations on an object but still delegate the operations to the target object. The functions of the Reflect API (§14.6) have exactly the same signatures as the handler methods, so they make it easy to do that kind of delegation.
另外一种使用方式,当写代理 定义 handler 方法拦截操作
Here, for example, is a proxy that delegates all operations to the target object but uses handler methods to log the operations:
* Return a Proxy object that wraps o, delegating all operations to
* that object after logging each operation. objname is a string that
* will appear in the log messages to identify the object. If o has own
* properties whose values are objects or functions, then if you query
* the value of those properties, you'll get a loggingProxy back, so that
* logging behavior of this proxy is "contagious".
function loggingProxy(o, objname) {
// Define handlers for our logging Proxy object.
// Each handler logs a message and then delegates to the target object.
const handlers = {
// This handler is a special case because for own properties
// whose value is an object or function, it returns a proxy rather
// than returning the value itself.
get(target, property, receiver) {
// Log the get operation
console.log(`Handler get(${objname},${property.toString()})`);
// Use the Reflect API to get the property value
let value = Reflect.get(target, property, receiver);
// If the property is an own property of the target and
// the value is an object or function then return a Proxy for it.
if (Reflect.ownKeys(target).includes(property) &&
(typeof value === "object" || typeof value === "function")) {
return loggingProxy(value, `${objname}.${property.toString()}`);
// Otherwise return the value unmodified.
return value;
// There is nothing special about the following three methods:
// they log the operation and delegate to the target object.
// They are a special case simply so we can avoid logging the
// receiver object which can cause infinite recursion.
set(target, prop, value, receiver) {
console.log(`Handler set(${objname},${prop.toString()},${value})`);
return Reflect.set(target, prop, value, receiver);
apply(target, receiver, args) {
console.log(`Handler ${objname}(${args})`);
return Reflect.apply(target, receiver, args);
construct(target, args, receiver) {
console.log(`Handler ${objname}(${args})`);
return Reflect.construct(target, args, receiver);
// We can automatically generate the rest of the handlers.
// Metaprogramming FTW!
Reflect.ownKeys(Reflect).forEach(handlerName => {
if (!(handlerName in handlers)) {
handlers[handlerName] = function(target, ...args) {
// Log the operation
console.log(`Handler ${handlerName}(${objname},${args})`);
// Delegate the operation
return Reflect[handlerName](target, ...args);
// Return a proxy for the object using these logging handlers
return new Proxy(o, handlers);
The loggingProxy() function defined earlier creates proxies that log all of the ways they are used. If you are trying to understand how an undocumented function uses the objects you pass it, using a logging proxy can help.
Consider the following examples, which result in some genuine insights about array iteration:
// Define an array of data and an object with a function property
let data = [10,20];
let methods = { square: x => x*x };
// Create logging proxies for the array and the object
let proxyData = loggingProxy(data, "data");
let proxyMethods = loggingProxy(methods, "methods");
// Suppose we want to understand how the Array.map() method works
data.map(methods.square) // => [100, 400]
// First, let's try it with a logging Proxy array
proxyData.map(methods.square) // => [100, 400]
// It produces this output:
// Handler get(data,map)
// Handler get(data,length)
// Handler get(data,constructor)
// Handler has(data,0)
// Handler get(data,0)
// Handler has(data,1)
// Handler get(data,1)
// Now lets try with a proxy methods object
data.map(proxyMethods.square) // => [100, 400]
// Log output:
// Handler get(methods,square)
// Handler methods.square(10,0,10,20)
// Handler methods.square(20,1,10,20)
// Finally, let's use a logging proxy to learn about the iteration protocol
for(let x of proxyData) console.log("Datum", x);
// Log output:
// Handler get(data,Symbol(Symbol.iterator))
// Handler get(data,length)
// Handler get(data,0)
// Datum 10
// Handler get(data,length)
// Handler get(data,1)
// Datum 20
// Handler get(data,length)
From the first chunk of logging output, we learn that the Array.map() method explicitly checks for the existence of each array element (causing the has() handler to be invoked) before actually reading the element value (which triggers the get() handler). This is presumably so that it can distinguish nonexistent array elements from elements that exist but are undefined.
The second chunk of logging output might remind us that the function we pass to Array.map() is invoked with three arguments: the element’s value, the element’s index, and the array itself. (There is a problem in our logging output: the Array.toString() method does not include square brackets in its output, and the log messages would be clearer if they were included in the argument list (10,0,[10,20]).)
The third chunk of logging output shows us that the for/of loop works by looking for a method with symbolic name [Symbol.iterator]. It also demonstrates that the Array class’s implementation of this iterator method is careful to check the array length at every iteration and does not assume that the array length remains constant during the iteration.
# 14.7.1 Proxy Invariants
The readOnlyProxy() function defined earlier creates Proxy objects that are effectively frozen: any attempt to alter a property value or property attribute or to add or remove properties will throw an exception. But as long as the target object is not frozen, we’ll find that if we can query the proxy with Reflect.isExtensible() and Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(), and it will tell us that we should be able to set, add, and delete properties. So readOnlyProxy() creates objects in an inconsistent state. We could fix this by adding isExtensible() and getOwnPropertyDescriptor() handlers, or we can just live with this kind of minor inconsistency.
The Proxy handler API allows us to define objects with major inconsistencies, however, and in this case, the Proxy class itself will prevent us from creating Proxy objects that are inconsistent in a bad way. At the start of this section, we described proxies as objects with no behavior of their own because they simply forward all operations to the handlers object and the target object. But this is not entirely true: after forwarding an operation, the Proxy class performs some sanity checks on the result to ensure important JavaScript invariants are not being violated. If it detects a violation, the proxy will throw a TypeError instead of letting the operation proceed.
As an example, if you create a proxy for a non-extensible object, the proxy will throw a TypeError if the isExtensible() handler ever returns true:
let target = Object.preventExtensions({});
let proxy = new Proxy(target, { isExtensible() { return true; }});
Reflect.isExtensible(proxy); // !TypeError: invariant violation
Relatedly, proxy objects for non-extensible targets may not have a getPrototypeOf() handler that returns anything other than the real prototype object of the target. Also, if the target object has nonwritable, nonconfigurable properties, then the Proxy class will throw a TypeError if the get() handler returns anything other than the actual value:
let target = Object.freeze({x: 1});
let proxy = new Proxy(target, { get() { return 99; }});
proxy.x; // !TypeError: value returned by get() doesn't match target
Proxy enforces a number of additional invariants, almost all of them having to do with non-extensible target objects and nonconfigurable properties on the target object.
# 14.8 Summary
In this chapter, you have learned:
JavaScript objects have an extensible attribute and object properties have writable, enumerable, and configurable attributes, as well as a value and a getter and/or setter attribute. You can use these attributes to “lock down” your objects in various ways, including creating “sealed” and “frozen” objects.
JavaScript defines functions that allow you to traverse the prototype chain of an object and even to change the prototype of an object (though doing this can make your code slower).
The properties of the Symbol object have values that are “well-known Symbols,” which you can use as property or method names for the objects and classes that you define. Doing so allows you to control how your object interacts with JavaScript language features and with the core library. For example, well-known Symbols allow you to make your classes iterable and control the string that is displayed when an instance is passed to Object.prototype.toString(). Prior to ES6, this kind of customization was available only to the native classes that were built in to an implementation.
Tagged template literals are a function invocation syntax, and defining a new tag function is kind of like adding a new literal syntax to the language. Defining a tag function that parses its template string argument allows you to embed DSLs within JavaScript code. Tag functions also provide access to a raw, unescaped form of string literals where backslashes have no special meaning.
The Proxy class and the related Reflect API allow low-level control over the fundamental behaviors of JavaScript objects. Proxy objects can be used as optionally revocable wrappers to improve code encapsulation, and they can also be used to implement nonstandard object behaviors (like some of the special case APIs defined by early web browsers).
1 A bug in the V8 JavaScript engine means that this code does not work correctly in Node 13.