constisDateValid = (...val) => !Number.isNaN( newDate(...val).valueOf() ); // how to use isDateValid("December 17, 1995 03:24:00"); // => true
计算两个日期之间的间隔 该方法用于计算两个日期之间的间隔时间(day)
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constdayDif = (date1, date2) => Math.ceil( Math.abs( date1.getTime() - date2.getTime() ) / 86400000); // how to use dayDif(newDate("2022-08-01"), newDate("2022-08-04")); // => 3
查找日期位于一年中的第几天 该方法用于检测给出的日期位于今年的第几天
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constdayOfYear = date => Math.floor( ( date - newDate(date.getFullYear(), 0, 0) ) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 ) // how to use dayOfYear(newDate("2022-08-01")); // => 213 dayOfYear(newDate("2022-01-01")); // => 1
时间格式化 该方法用于转换时间
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consttimeFromDate = date => date.toTimeString().slice(0, 8); // how to use timeFromDate(newDate(2022, 08, 04, 12, 30, 0)); // => '12:30:00' timeFromDate(newDate(2022, 08, 04, 12, 30, 60)); // => '12:31:00' timeFromDate(newDate()); // => 此刻的时间
字符串首字母大写 该方法用于将英文字符串的首字母大写处理
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constcapitalize = str => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); // how to use capitalize("hello world"); // => Hello world
翻转字符串 该方法用于将一个字符串进行翻转操作并返回翻转后的内容
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constreverse = str => str.split('').reverse().join(''); // how to use reverse("hello world"); // => dlrow olleh
随机字符串 该方法用于生成一个随机的字符串并返回
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constrandomString = () => Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); // how to use randomString(); // => anyString
去除字符串中的HTML 该方法用于去除字符串中的HTML元素
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conststripHtml = html => (newDOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html')).body.textContent || ''; // how to use stripHtml("<div>Beware of the missing closing tag</div>hello world<i>!<i>"); // => 'Beware of the missing closing taghello world!'
const aa = isA ?? false; const bb = isB ?? 'hello'; const cc = isC ?? 'ok'; const dd = isD ?? 'done'; // how to use const isA = null; const isB = ''; const isC = undefined; const isD = false; const aa = isA ?? '...'; const bb = isB ?? 'hello'; const cc = isC ?? 'ok'; const dd = isD ?? 'done'; console.log(aa, bb, cc, dd);
从数组中移除重复项 该方法用于从数组中移除重复项
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constremoveDuplicates = arr => [...newSet(arr)]; // how to use removeDuplicates([1, 1, 3, 4, 1, 5]); // => [1, 3, 4, 5]
打乱数组顺序 该方法用于打乱数组顺序,随机取random后的数组
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constrandomArr = arr => arr.sort(() =>0.5 - Math.random()); // how to use const arr = ['🙂', '66', true, 11, {name: 'rexhang'}]; console.log(randomArr(arr)); // random arr, eg: ['66', 11, true, {name: 'rexhang'}, '🙂'];
从数组中随机去一个值 该方法用于从数组中随机去一个值
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consttakeARandomItem = arr => arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)] // how to use const eles = ['🙂', '66', true, 11, {name: 'rexhang'}]; console.log(takeARandomItem(eles)); // random item of arr, eg: '🙂';